People Are Poor

People Are Poor

People are standing in long lines all over America. The long lines are unemployment lines. Unemployment lines are for people who have no jobs. Millions of …

A School Day

A School Day

School starts at 8:00 in the morning. His mom woke him up at 6:30. He yawned and got out of bed. He got dressed. He ate breakfast. He ate a bowl of cereal for …

A Smoker Quits

A Smoker Quits

I will quit smoking tomorrow. I swear it. I promise. I’m not kidding. I’m serious this time. I just bought my last pack of cigarettes. I’m …

The Cigarette

The Cigarette

He poured some soda into a glass. The bubbles rose in the glass. He looked at the bubbles. He listened to the bubbles. He dropped a couple of ice cubes into …

A Bad Boy

A Bad Boy

He was a bad boy. He didn’t obey his mother. Once he slapped his mother. Another time he twisted her arm. Another time he pushed her down. She fell to …

Don’t Do This, Mommy Says

Don’t Do This, Mommy Says

Don’t wipe your nose on your sleeve. Don’t pick your nose. Don’t interrupt me. Don’t talk with food in your mouth. Don’t go …

Do This, Daddy Says

Do This, Daddy Says

Look both ways before you cross the street. Wear clean underwear. Do your homework. Be polite. Obey your parents. Go to school. Stay in school. Wash your …

I Have a Question

I Have a Question

How high is up? Why is the sky blue? Do fish sleep? Where do babies come from? How do ships float? How do planes stay in the air? Why are you laughing? Why are …

Violets Are Blue

Violets Are Blue

Violets are blue, roses are red. I sleep on the couch, you sleep in your bed. Violets are blue, apples are red. One twin is Ted, and the other is Fred. Violets …

Roses Are Red

Roses Are Red

Roses are red, violets are blue. I’m in a house, the tiger’s in a zoo. Roses are red, oceans are blue. I have a cold, you have the flu. Roses are …

He Loves Birds

He Loves Birds

He turned on the TV. He watched the 6 o’clock news. The news was about an airplane. The airplane had two engines. A big bird flew into each engine. The …



She called the landlord. Her apartment was full of roaches. Roaches were everywhere. They were under the kitchen sink. They were in the kitchen cabinets. They …